
Kaouther Saadallaoui Ben Hamida
Imen Ksontini
Hajer Rahali
Slim Mourali
Nadia Fejraoui
Habib Bouhaouala
M.Ridha Charfi
M.Hedi Dougui


Background: Melorheostosis is a rare chronic bone disease of unknown etiology that often affects a single limb.
Aim: Report a new case of melorheostosis of the ribs improved by pamidronate infusions
Case: A 36 year old man without any medical history was admitted for a history of one month painful tumefaction on the 7th left rib. The diagnosis of melorheostosis of the rib and the tibia was made. Patient was treated by pamidronate infusions with useful and satisfactory outcome.


Melorheostosis, Rib, Pamidronate



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