
Chelli D
Dimassi K
Salem A
Driss M
Zaanouni E
Zouaoui B
Sfar E
Ben Aissa R
Chelli H
Chennoufi M. B
Boussen H


Objective: To report clinical, radiological and histological characteristics of the infraclinical breast lesions patients recruited via the large scale mammography breast cancer screening of l’Ariana state in Tunisia.
Materials and methods: Retrospective study over a period of 2 years. The recruitment of patients made on the occasion of the program of breast cancer
Results: During this period, 22 patients in our unity had had a surgical excision after wire localization. Ten patients were recruited by means of systematic breast cancer screening. In these cases, the mammographic findings were classified B.I.R.A.D.S 4 in 7 cases and BIRADS type 5 in 3 cases. Definitive histology concluded to benign disease in 4 cases and malignancy 6 cases. This collaboration enables the diagnosis an invasive ductal carcinoma in three cases.
Conclusion: The surgical excision after wire localization for non palpable breast lesions allows diagnosis of high-risk benign lesions and low-stage breast cancer. It is a reliable technique which indications have to be based on clinical and radiological strict criteria. This procedure is at present, and in developed countries, widely outstripped with the stereotactic core needle biopsy.


Non-palpable breast cancer, screening, mammography, wire localization



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