Mechanical complications of peritoneal dialysis in Tunisian children
Background : Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is the method of choice for extra-renal replacement therapy (ERT) for children with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), because of its various advantages. However, it presents different infectious and non-infectious complications, causes of important morbidity and mortality.
Aim: To determine the mechanical complications of PD in our center and to identify risk factors of their occurrence.
Methods : We retrospectively collected the records of 99 patients who were treated with PD within the past eleven years in the department of pediatrics of the University Hospital Charles Nicolle of Tunis. Analysis examining possible risque factors were performed using parametric and non-parametric tests.
Results : A total of 63 patients had mechanical complications with an incidence of peritoneal dialysis catheter revision of 1 procedure every 38 months. The causes were dominated by catheter migration (27.5%) and obstruction by fibrin or blood clotting (19.8%). A history of peritonitis (p=0.046) and the presence of comorbidity (p=0.008) were the two independent risk factors for catheter revision. Inguinal hernia was noted in six patients. No patient presented with a hydrothorax. Seven patients presented an episode of hemoperitoneum.
Conclusion : Our results lead us to focus our efforts on preventing peritonitis and controlling morbidity. Prospective studies will enable us to confirm our results.
peritoneal dialysis, children, mechanical complications, peritoneal dialysis catheter##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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