Impact of toll-like receptor 4 variations on nasopharyngeal carcinoma risk and survival in tunisian population
Introduction: The Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), an important member of the host's innate immune response, is coded by a polymorphic gene. This polymorphism could be a predisposing factor for NasoPharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC).
Aim: To determine the association between TLR4 gene polymorphisms and the susceptibility to NPC in a cohort of Tunisian affected patients.
Methods: Genomic DNAs from 245 unrelated patients affected by undifferentiated carcinoma type (UCNT) and 264 unrelated healthy controls were genotyped for the five single nucleotides polymorphisms (SNPs) of TLR4 locus (4434 A>G (rs1927914),7263 G>C (rs10759932), 6134 A>G(rs4986790), 8851C>T (rs 4986791), 5272 T>C(rs11536889), +8469 T>C (rs11536891)) by Taqman® 5’-nuclease assay.
Results: Among all polymorphisms studied, only the rs4986790 G and rs4986791 T alleles were significantly more prevalent in patients’ group than controls (45% vs. 38%; p=0.03; pc=0.06) and increased the risk of the NPC (OR=1.3, 95% CI=1.01-1.69). Also, we found that the frequency of the rs4986790 AA and rs4986791 TT genotypes was significantly higher in controls than in patients (25.7% vs 37%; p=0.006, pc=0.02) and conferred a protector factor in NPC (OR= 0.59, 95% CI= 0.39-0.87). Further, based on the Kaplan-Meier survival curve we observed also the positive effect ofrs1927914 AA genotype on a prognostic of NPC (p=0.006; pc=0.01).
Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that impaired production of TLR4 seems to be a risk factor of NPC development but functional studies are needed to confirm these findings. As to rs1927914 AA appears to be a good biomarker for better survival in a patient with NPC.
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, TLR4, gene, polymorphism, risk##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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