Genotype-Phenotype correlation of distal renal tubular acidosis in Tunisia
Introduction: Distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA) is a rare genetic disorder due to the incapacity of the α intercalated cells to excrete protons in the collecting duct. This impaired distal acidification of urine leads to a chronic hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis with a normal plasma anion gap, hypokalemia, and hypercalciuria with hypocitraturia causing nephrocalcinosis. Primary dRTA is inherited either as an autosomal dominant (SLC1A4 gene) or autosomal recessive trait (ATP6V0A1/ATP6V1B1 genes).
Aim: To analyze the genotype-phenotype correlation of dTA in Tunisia.
Methods: In this study we present all available data of patients followed in our center for dRTA over the last 28 years and who had a genetic study. This was a retrospective descriptive study from January 1991 to December 2018, conducted in the Pediatrics Department of the Charles Nicolle Hospital in Tunis.
Results: Twenty-five cases of dRTA were collected and were offered genetic analysis to confirm the diagnosis. The molecular mutation was confirmed in 13 patients of whom 11 had homozygous mutations in ATP6V1B1(G1) and 2 had homozygous mutations in ATP6V0A4(G2). Median age of diagnosis was 8.9 months. Severe growth retardation was documented in nine children with mutations in ATP6V1B1, in eight children with no genetic mutation and in the two patients with a mutation in ATP6V0A4. All children were found to have metabolic acidosis at initial presentation. Hypokalemia was found in 19 children. All patients were polyuric. Twenty-two patients had nephrocalcinosis (88%). The treatment was based on alkali prescription and substitution of potassium chloride... (abstract truncated at 250 words)
Polyuria, Dehydration, Growth retardation, Hyperchloremic Metabolic acidosis , Hypokalemia, Nephrocalcinosis##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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