Explanatory factors for the evolution of children’s allergic rhinitis
Introduction: Allergic rhinitis (AR) in children is a common condition that is a public health problem. Despite a well-codified treatment, clinical improvement is not the rule.
Aim: To identify factors affecting the improvement of allergic rhinitis in children under symptomatic treatment.
Methods: A 12-year retrospective descriptive study that included children aged 3 to 15 years, followed for allergic rhinitis. The search for explanatory factors for improvement under treatment was done using a binary logistic regression model.
Results: 52 children were included, with a mean age of 7 years (±3). A familial atopy history was present in 37 patients (71%). The presence of factors aggravating allergy was noted, including antibiotic consumption: 31 patients (60%) and overweight: 15 patients (29%). Associated asthma was noted in 42 patients (81%). The allergenic profile has regained a predominance of dust mite allergy (71%) and a significant frequency of multiallergies (79%). Management included therapeutic education and drug treatment. There was improvement in rhinitis in 27 patients (52%) and improvement in asthma in 26 patients (50%). Overweight and high consumption of antibiotics had a negative impact on the therapeutic outcome. A good therapeutic education had a favorable impact.
Conclusion: AR is a debilitating condition requiring prolonged therapeutic education and drug treatment. The prescription of antibiotics in children with allergic rhinitis should be sparing and weight monitored.
allergy, rhinitis, asthma, children, treatment, quality of life##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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