Assessment of muscle strength in chronic low back pain patients: Comparison between isokinetic rehabilitation and conventional rehabilitation
Introduction: Chronic low back pain is a public health problem in view of its functional répercussions and the functional rehabilitation is an integral part of its management.
Aim: To compare the evolution of muscle strentgh of spinal extensors and flexors in chronic low back pain patients after an isokinetic rehabilitation protocol and a conventional rehabilitation one.
Method: This was a prospective and comparative study carried out in the Physical Medicine Department of the Tunis Military Hospital over a period of 7 months.
Fifty patients were included, randomly divided into two groups of 25.
The first group (G1) benefited from an isokinetic rehabilitation protocol and the second one (G2) from a classic active physiotherapy.
We performed a clinical (Sorensen test and Shirado test) and isokinetic evaluation of the trunk muscles before and after rehabilitation.
Results: The mean age of the general population was 42±8.6 years old.
Clinical evaluation showed a deficit in the extensor and flexor muscles of the spine, more important in the extensors in both groups. After rehabilitation, there was a significant improvement in clinical tests of muscular endurance in G1 and G2.
Isokinetic assessment showed a greater muscle deficit in the extensors in both groups. After isokinetic rehabilitation, peak torque for flexors and extensors increased by 21% and 23% respectively, power was 34% and 37% higher, and total work increased by 26% and 47%. On the other hand, the (F/E) ratios were unchanged for all three speeds. In Group 2, peak ...( abstract truncated at 250 words).
Chronic low back pain, rehabilitation, isokinetic, muscle strength##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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