Cribriform plate dehiscence with encephalomeningocele revealed by recurrent meningitis: a case report
Introduction. Meningitis is a potentially life threatening illness. It requires prompt diagnosis and treatment. Recurrent meningitis needs detailed investigations to identify the underlying cause.
Observation. We report a case of recurrent pneumococcal meningitis in a 9-year-old boy with an underlying congenital skull base abnormality. Brain computed tomography (CT) scan showed no obvious skull base defects. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed a dehiscence of the cribriform plate with encephalomeningocele. The patient underwent an endoscopic repair of the bony defect and had not developed any new infections ever since.
Conclusion. This case highlights the need to investigate recurrent bacterial meningitis with CT scan and MRI of the brain and skull base. Repair of these congenital skull base defects are mandatory to prevent the recurrence of meningitis.
Cribliform plate dehiscence, Encephalomeningocele, Recurrent meningitis##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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