Functional insulin therapy in type 1 diabetics: Short-term effects on weight and nutritional intake
Introduction-Aim: Flexible insulin therapy is currently considered the gold standard therapy of type 1 diabetes. We aimed to study the evolution of glycemic control, weight and nutritional intake of a group of patients with type 1 diabetes, three months after the initiation of functional insulin therapy (FIT).
Methods: This was a prospective longitudinal study having included 30 type 1 diabetic patients hospitalized for education to FIT. Each patient underwent an assessment of glycemic control (glycated hemoglobin (A1C) and number of hypoglycemia), weight and nutritional intake before FIT and 3 months after the initiation of this educative approach.
Results: The mean age of patients was 21,8 ± 7,9 years and the sex ratio was 0,5. The mean duration of diabetes was 7,2 ± 6 years. Three months after initiation of FIT, we observed a significant lowering of A1C, which went from 9,2 ± 1,6% to 8,3 ± 1,4% (p<0,001) of the number of minor hypoglycemia (p=0,001) and that of severe hypoglycemia (p= 0,021). the average weight went from 64,6 ± 13,1 kg to 65,5 ± 13,5 kg (p = 0,040) with a significant increase in BMI (p = 0,041). Weight gain was observed in 67% of patients. This weight gain contrasted with a significant decrease in caloric (p = 0,040) and in carbohydrates intakes (p = 0,027).
Weight gain, associated with better glycemic control, should encourage the healthcare team to strengthen therapeutic education of patients undergoing FIT in order to limit weight gain.
Type 1 diabetes, Functional insulin therapy, Weight, Glycemic control##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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