Developing learning objectives in postgraduate medical education for family medicine (Tunisia).
Introduction-Aim: The third cycle of medical studies (TCMS) lasts 3 years for the specialty of family medicine (FM) in Tunisia. The members of the FM committee of the Faculty of Medicine of Monastir (FMM) aimed to detail the learning objectives (LO) of residents in FM.
Method: We used the Delphi method in 2 rounds including a group of experts called FM Learning Objectives Writing Group (FMLOWG) at the FMM. The FMLOWG included 74 university hospital physicians and FM internship supervisors. These members actively participated in the 10 meetings held during the month of March 2022. Three points were discussed: the identification of LOs; the development of training titles and the proposal of the teaching methods to be adopted. The writing was subdivided into 5 domains of LO: transversal, public health, typical population and by system.
Results: We identified 1359 LOs for FM residency, for which 552 were LOs per system (40.5%). The learning included 618 training session titles. Residents will have an academic training day every 3 weeks during 9 months for each TCMS year.
Conclusion: A detailed, MF-specific consensus has been developed by majority of medical specialties. It will be a learning base for learners, a reference for supervisors and TCMS teachers.
Family Practice, Goals, Learning, Education, Medical, Graduate, Aptitude, Professional competence, communication, leadership, Professional Role, Tunisia##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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