Who are the Best Scientists in Tunisia? Analysis of the 2023 edition of the “Research.com” platform.
Objective: Describe the performance of scientists assigned to Tunisian research structures, according to their academic disciplines, according to the Research.com platform https://research.com/), in 2023.
Methods: This is a reading focused on the productivity of scientists working in Tunisia, of the new 2023 edition of the international Research.com platform, ensuring the monitoring of 26 academic disciplines and 166880 scientists, affiliated with around three thousand research structures, and representing 1% of leading scientists in a discipline. In this platform, the ranking of researchers was based on the D-index indicator (equivalent to the h-index of a given discipline), calculated as of December 21, 2022.
Results: Around fifteen of the “Best Scientists”, affiliated with Tunisian research structures, were selected by the Research.com platform (2023), belonging to eight disciplines including particularly “Chemistry”, “Plant Sciences and Agronomy” and “Engineering and Technology”. These researchers were attached to seven establishments including the universities of “Sfax” and “Monastir” and the “Borj Cedria - Sidi Thabet Biotechnology Center”. Among these winners: Professors Moncef NASRI (Sfax, “Biology and Biochemistry”, D-index=74), Chedly ABDELLY (Borj Cedria, “Agronomy”, D-index=72) and Adel M. ALIMI (Sfax, “computer science», D-index=44).
Conclusion: In Tunisia, the list of “Best scientists” in the Research.com ranking (2023) made it possible to identify two colleges of leaders in scientific research (“Health Sciences” and “Fundamental Sciences”), constituting priority consortia for strengthening the national strategy to support the mobility and networking of researchers, as well as the proliferation and visibility of their publications
Bibliometrics, Science, Research , Research Personnel , Universities , Public Health Systems Research , Societies, Scientific , Biomedical Research , Documentation, Abstracting and Indexing, Research Report , Publications, Journal Impact Factor , Databases, Bibliographic , Writing , Tunisia##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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