Proximal femur fracture: Direct medical costs of hospital treatment
Introduction: Proximal femur fractures are one of the most common injuries in older adults representing a serious health condition in developed as well as developing countries.
Aim: This study aimed to assess the hospitalization costs of the proximal femur fracture.
Methods: We conducted a prospective descriptive study spread over six months about patients hospitalized and operated on for proximal femur fractures. In order to estimate the cost we referred to the nomenclature of professional acts and the prices set by the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Finance.
Results: The study included 100 patients, 55 females and 45 males with an average age of 76 years. The average hospital length of stay was 5 days. The preoperative stay was at a mean of three days. The average total hospitalization cost for these fractures was 2877 Tunisian Dinars depending on the type of fracture and surgical treatment. The main components of the costs were hospital stay costs and human resources costs 40%, cost of the implant 25.9%, cost of consumables 12%, operating cost 10%, cost of additional examinations 9% and cost of medications 2%.
Conclusion: Proximal femur fractures represent an important cause of health resource consumption.
To reduce the cost of hospital care, we recommend limiting the length of hospital stay as much as possible, investing in total hip and hemi-arthroplasties and adapting economical behavior taking into account the cost of consumables.
direct medical cost, cost of health care, proximal femur fracture##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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