Urinary tract infections in chronic kidney disease in Nephrology unit, University Hospital Center of Befelatanana, Antananarivo
Introduction: Urinary tract infection is the leading cause of nosocomial infection worldwide. It is a factor in the progression of chronic kidney disease.
Aim: To determine the epidemiological, clinical, microbiological, therapeutic and evolving profile of patients with chronic kidney disease and urinary tract infection.
Methods: This was a retrospective, descriptive study lasting 5 years, from January 2014 to december 2018 in chronic kidney disease with urinary tract infection.
Results: Fifty-one patients (7.15%) were retained with a mean age of 53.03 years and a sex ratio of 0.55. Chronic kidney disease was in end-stage in 45.1% (n=23). Cystitis was found in 49.02% (n=25) and gram-negative bacilli were found in 74.50% (n=38), predominantly
Escherichia coli (54.90%). Third generation of cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones were frequently prescribed as probabilistic antibiotics. Resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics was 50% for Escherichia coli. Factors influencing severe infection were: advanced age, male gender, urinary lithiasis, multiple antibiotic resistance and non-enterobacterial germs.
Conclusion: Urinary tract infection in chronic kidney disease were frequent and particularly severe.
Antibiotic, Chronic kidney disease , Cystitis , Pyelonephritis , Sepsis , Urinary tract infection, Africa##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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