Concordance between platelet counts by impedance and optical technique during microcytic anemia: towards a threshold value of the mean corpuscular volume
Introduction: Platelet count is crucial for clinical decision. In cases of microcytosis, platelet count based on impedance technique (PLT-I) may overestimate platelet count.
Aim: To compare PLT-I with platelet count using the optical technique (PLT-O) and establish a Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) threshold for considering PLT-O.
Methods: A prospective analytical study conducted over two months involved blood samples collected in standard K2 EDTA tubes for complete blood count analysis, revealing microcytosis (MCV<80 fL). PLT-O analysis in channel-Ret mode was performed using the Sysmex-XN1000 (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan).Percentage of fragmented red cells(FRC%) and percentage of microcytic red cells(Micro-R%) were recorded. Blood smears stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa were examined for potential interfering particles.
Results: A strong correlation was observed between the two techniques for all platelet values as well as for PLT <150 x 109/L (correlation coefficient r = 0.971, 95% CI: [0.956-0.982]; P<10-3 and r = 0.90, 95% CI: [0.79-0.95]; P< 10-3). The Bland-Altman plot revealed a bias of 16.53 x 109/L between the two methods, with agreement limits between -55.8 and 88.8 x 109/L. A threshold MCV value indicating the use of the optical method, with a cut-off at 72.9fL, demonstrated promising performance consistent with litterature findings. However, less favorable performance was observed with Micro-R%.
Conclusion: Impedance could be employed in routine practice. However, for MCV<72.9 fL or in the presence of schizocytes, the hemogram validation procedure may incorporate the use of PLT-O.
platelets, impedance, optic , microcytosis, mean corpuscular volume, anemia##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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