Assessment of knowledge and perceptions of Tunisian psychiatrists regarding Telepsychiatry
Introduction: Telemedicine has become a fundamental pillar of the evolution of healthcare worldwide. In Tunisia, the challenges of the health system, amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, have highlighted the urgency to adopt innovative solutions. In this regard, the publication of Presidential Decree No. 318/2022 on April 8 in the Official Journal of the Tunisian Republic represents a significant advance in the regulation of telemedicine.
Aim: To assess the knowledge of Tunisian psychiatrists and child psychiatrists regarding telemedicine, its legal framework, and their perceptions of this new medical practice.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted 8 months after the issuance of the presidential decree. The survey was conducted online through an electronic questionnaire on Google Forms.
Results: A total of 68 participants were included in this survey. The median number of professional years was 5±7 years. Among the participants, 82% worked in psychiatry and 18% worked in child psychiatry. The sector of practice was public in 69% and private in 31% of cases. Most of them (62%) did not know about the different telemedicine acts, and 57% of doctors were unaware of the existence of the presidential decree. The majority of doctors (84%) expressed a favorable opinion regarding the adoption of telepsychiatry, regardless of sex (p=0.69), professional status (p=0.512), specialty (p=1), years of experience (p=0.83), and practice sector (p=1).
Conclusion: Despite a low level of knowledge regarding telemedicine, the study highlights the interest of the participants in integrating telepsychiatry into their clinical practices.
Telemedicine , Psychiatry , knowledge, Legal status, Perception, Tunisia##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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