Particularities of Sjögren Syndrome in elderly
Background: Diagnosis of Sjögren syndrome (SS) can be difficult in the elderly in whom sicca syndrome can be related to senescence, comorbidities or to iatrogenesis.
Methods: We performed a retrospective study including of SS patients records (AECG criteria) in the internal medicine departement, La Rabta Hospital over 18 years. Epidemiological, clinical, biological and therapeutic features of elderly patients (EP) and young patients(YP) were compared
Results: A total of 323 patients with SS were enrolled, 35 were over 65 years of age (33 females/2 males). The mean age at disease onset was 68.8±4.4 years. Comparative analysis showed that SS diagnosis was made earlier in elderly (p=0.02). Fatigue was more frequent in elderly (p<0.01). Positivity of anti-SSA was more frequent in YP (p=0.04). Anti-malarial agents were less prescribed in elderly (p=0.03). There was no significant differences concerning the other clinical features, laboratory findings, treatment and outcomes.
Conclusion: The SS in elderly seems not to be a distinct subset of disease. However, treatment and follow-up of elderly patients with SS must obey to closer attention considering their vulnerability and the complexity of their management.
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