Specific features of hypercalcaemia in patients of Cocody University Hospital - Côte d’Ivoire
Aim: describe the epidemiological, clinical, etiological and therapeutic aspects of hypercalcemia seen in the rheumatology department of Cocody University Hospital.
Patients and method: Descriptive cross-sectional study carried out in the rheumatology department of Cocody University Hospital from January 2013 to July 2022 and covering the files of patients with hypercalcemia.
Results: The hospital frequency of hypercalcemia was 0.88%, or 60 cases out of 6771 hospitalizations during the study period. The workforce included 35 men and 25 women (M/F ratio=0.14), aged on average 56±11.52 years (range 25 and 80 years). The main reason for consultation related to the underlying disease was osteoarticular pain syndrome. The signs related to symptomatic hypercalcemia were digestive (23.33%), neurological (8.33%) and cardiovascular (5%). The main extra-articular signs were asthenia (90%) and weight loss (78.33%). On the biological level, there was a clear predominance of mild hypercalcemia (76.67%), followed by moderate hypercalcemia (10%) and severe hypercalcemia (13.33%). The etiologies were dominated by multiple myeloma (45%), followed by bone metastases (40%), granulomatosis (13.33%) and secondary hyperparathyroidism (1.67%). The molecules used for the treatment of hypercalcemia were corticosteroids and biophosphonates. The outcome was favorable in 18.33% of patients, and unspecified in 66.67% of cases due to the patient's transfer to another department. There were 9 deaths, or 15% of cases.
Conclusion: Hypercalcemia is rare and most often asymptomatic in rheumatological hospitalizations in Abidjan. Multiple myeloma is the main etiology.
hypercalcemia , multiple myeloma , osteophilic cancer , Africa , Ivory Coast##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##

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