Tunisian Good Clinical Practice Recommendations for the Management of Spondyloarthritis by Biological Agents
Aim: To elaborate Tunisian recommendations for the therapeutic management in current practice of patients with spondyloarthritis who are candidates for treatment with a biological agent.
Methods : Following the standardized procedures of the INEAS (Instance Nationale de l'Evaluation et de l'Accréditation en Santé) and in collaboration with the LITAR (Tunisian League against Rheumatism), a systematic review of the literature, carried out by 6 rheumatologists, based on the questions individualized by the working group (15 expert rheumatologists), served as the basis for the working meetings, with determination of the strength of the recommendations and the degree of agreement of the experts. The recommendations were validated by an independent reading group comprising 19 experts from various related specialties.
Results: Ten recommendations for good practice were drawn up. The first 2 recommendations concern the pre-therapeutic assessment and the updating of immunisation status prior to the initiation of biotherapy. Recommendations 3 to 8 deal with the use of biologics, including the new classes, in their indications (active disease despite conventional treatment, and for non-radiographic axial forms, presence of objective signs of inflammation) and follow-up, and their management in the event of failure or in remission. Recommendations 9 and 10 concern management in the event of pregnancy or neoplasia. The strength of the recommendations ranged from 8 to 9, with a degree of agreement of between 72% and 100%.
Conclusion:This work, supported by LITAR and accredited by INEAS, takes into account the data in the literature and the predominant clinical presentation....( abstract truncated at 250 words).
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